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Available Local amenities within 10 minutes of Cuevas De La Paz

Nestled between two larger villages, Los Carriones has so much to offer. Emilio’s Restaurant and Cafe Bar is only two minutes’ walk from Cuevas de la Paz situated in the centre of the village. Emilio’s is one of the best places in the area to relax and unwind.  It is a family run business with more than 30 years’ experience. They are very well known in the area for their breakfasts and, in the afternoons and evenings you can just sit, unwind, or chat with friends whilst enjoying a traditional free tapas with each drink you order. If you’re lucky, you might get to view a wedding at the same time, as he also caters for wedding receptions. In the heat of the summer months Emilio’s has a misting system to cool the air around the outdoor seating areas, which makes for a very pleasant experience.

A five minute drive to the north is Castillèjar with a choice of bars, restaurants, supermarkets, Bakeries, Butchers, Banks, Pharmacy, Petrol station, Tobacconist, and Saturday Market for fresh produce. After exploring the winding streets you could stop off at the Lago swimming pool in Los Olivos, it is the best pool around by far.  It is clean, has grass verges around the pool area and a good restaurant on its doorstep.

To the south within 10 mins drive is Benamaurel with another great selection of Restaurants, Bars, and Shops etc, all on a slightly bigger scale and every Sunday there is a weekly market, selling a variety of goods, local produce and handicrafts.

Los Carriones is surrounded by an abundance of typically Spanish villages all have their own charm & character. just waiting to be explored.

For more information on many more of the fabulous places to visit within Andalucía, visit our AreaSee & do page

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